Sunday, May 18, 2008

This is how hot it is

This is how hot it is. Madison and I are outside here below this. Madison has no clothes on and it is about 7 :00. Earlier it was probably 109 degrees. Right now it is 94 degrees. It's 7:00, are you kidding me. Right before we left for C.J.'s wedding, our home teacher came to fix our air conditioning. When we got home it said on a sticky note "You are cool to go." our house is so much better now. Sometimes it is cooler outside then inside. Popsicles at 7:00 is wrong right before bed. But, now it is acceptable. Thank Goodness!!!!


The Young Family said...

Cute sister

Mateo said...

I see nothing wrong with popsicles at 7 PM. In fact, if your mom was nice at all she would let you have some at 7 AM as well. Also, Mads looks like Nick Nolte's famous mugshot.

Kristy or Josh said...

Yeah why is Nick Nolte hanging out shirtless with my niece!?

McKinsey said...

I have to say your blog is so cute and i love it

Aubrey said...

How fun!