Thursday, April 9, 2009

Young Womens

Recently I turned 12 and successfully made it into Young Women's(a church group- girls 12-18). Young Women's is very fun doing activities every Tuesday and having talent shows. At our church when you turn 12 you get to say an article of faith(what we believe) in sacrament meeting. The Sunday I was supposed to say it I was late for sacrament meeting so I couldn't say it. Then the next Sunday my bishop forgot. this past Sunday was general conference( a broadcast that you watch on TV) so I still couldn't,t say it. I wonder if I will ever say my article of faith?? But so far all is well in Young Women's and I hope I can tell you more about it another time.


Logg said...

Go with #13. It's long, but it proves to everyone how spiritual you are. And that is what is important.

The Young Family said...


Aubrey said...

Wow. Young Womens sounds hard! j/k Enjoy it all you can!

Kristy or Josh said...

Just stay away from the deacons, they're nothing but trouble.